Tool belts, which are often described as a small version of a tool box that can actually be worn, can be as handy as the tools they carry. They allow everything to be kept within easy reach regardless of whether the tools are needed for work, DIY projects or hobbies.
There are a number of different tool belt types for different purposes, including specialty belts designed to be precision fits for specific tools, like an electrician’s tool belt.
Other tool belt styles are considerably more basic and offer loops and pockets for general tools such as screwdrivers and hammers. The decision to buy a particular tool belt will therefore depend on the type of project you are intending to use it to help complete.
Tool belts for special projects
If you intend to carry out a particularly special project then it can be a good idea to buy a separate tool belt to your standard one and then add on extra pockets and pouches as required. It is also possible to choose special pouches in order to be able to hold the likes of screws, nails and other fasteners that it is important to keep within easy reach.
A variety of different materials can be used to manufacture tool belts, including canvas, leather, nylon and suede. Those whose job often sees them get dirty may be well served by choosing a tool belt that is made from a fabric that is able to be washed.
Tool belts are also available in a wide array of different colours that go beyond the standard brown or tan. Tool belts can be found in black, purple, blue and even pink for handywomen.
How it fits
The way a tool belt fits you is one of the most important considerations to keep in mind before buying a tool belt. Waist measurement does not necessarily have to be a guideline unless the belt is going to be worn exactly at waist level as the majority of people tend to wear them slightly lower.
Those who are planning to wear a tool belt between the waist and the hips or completely on the latter should try the belt on or at least take exact measurements of that area prior to purchasing hertube.
The way in which the tool belt will be balanced is also very important. Loops, pockets and pouches need to be placed on the belt evenly with the large or heavy tools diffused between both sides rather than all on the same side, which can result in injury or back pain. Those who already suffer from back problems should find a tool belt that comes with additional support as there are some belts available that are specifically designed for that purpose.
Many people put far too little thought into the tool belt they choose to purchase even though it is one of their most crucial items of equipment. The above considerations should therefore be kept in mind to make sure you choose the tool belt that is best for you.